Saturday, August 20, 2011


ooookay , im so pumped up for my second official post. hehe.

lets see, umm.. last 28th June 2011 (i think )  i sat for my DCAM exam which consist of 3 papers , 2 subjects which are AIRLAW 1 & 2 and HUMAN PERFORMANCE & LIMITATION (HPL) and true enough i DID NOT pass with flying rainbow colors. instead , these are my results:

AIRLAW 1 : 68 %
AIRLAW 2 : 75%
HPL : 76 %

oh , and the passing marks for all three papers is 75 % which means i barely made it for airlaw 2 and HPL. and yes , that also means i FAILED my AIRLAW 1. luckily , to reseat the paper i failed would only cost like RM 7 compared to if i fail HPL i would have have to pay like  around RM 100 i think. so yes , THANK GOD i did not fail for my HPL  !

i should have put extra effort in my airlaw then i wouldnt have failed. but things already happened soo , wth. right now im working my ass off , studying for my PHASE 1 exam which is coming up soon on this 23rd August 2011. and trust me it is not as close as easy as the DCAMs paper. this is much harder especially POF and AIRFRAMES paper. i think i can handle VFR and IFR COMMS since they are not soo hard. but ill just do and pray fr the best.

oh , and eventhough i said ( and i know ) the subject communication is not hard but somehow im always failing with scores around 60 - 70 almost passing but only once passed. like gahh ! i have all these seniors around me that helps me in my studies but somehow im still failing. well , lea maybe you just need more practise so get off the screen and go studyy !

for now , this is just it. wish me luck guys :)

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